Green Recycling By Faster Planet

Go Green!

The planet is spinning towards a brighter shade of green, and you can be a part of it. We can all make small changes in our lives, which build up to a huge contribution to helping our planet.  Most of these changes provide us with a way to save money, as well as the world around us for generations to come.

As technology grows and develops rapidly, the ways in which we can make our days grow greener do too. Faster Planet supports and is a part of the IT green movement, and wants to offer its customers not only some green ideas within the Information Technology genre… but offer solutions specific to your needs. Call us now at 866.55.FASTER for a free GREEN consultation!

Below are just a few ideas about how to make your business greener:

E-recycling is the recycling of electronic products. Computers, which are nearing the end of their functional life span, can be re-used, refurbished and even recycled. Electronic rejects is one of the largest segments of our nation’s waste stream.  Research tells us that the majority of people and businesses are unsure about how to dispose of their electronic products. Recycling your electronic products saves resources and helps the planet by reducing the amount of new metals that have to be mined. In addition to this, some electronic materials are classed as hazardous waste when disposed, and so cannot be disposed with municipal trash. Contact us about how to Erecycle your businesses products!

To learn more about Erecycling in California click here

Power efficient equipment can help save you money and make your office or home greener. The ‘NYSERDA’ suggest that more than half the electricity used to power computers is wasted. EPA estimates that a 1,000 computer office could typically save 200,000 kWh by enabling monitor power management features – That’s about $20,000 a year or emissions from 27 cars, which highlights the importance of finding out how to get your hands on some power efficient equipment. Low voltage equipment can also help you save money and energy, saving the amount of power that your business uses up. Ask us at Faster Planet how we can provide you and your business with these invaluable systems! Call us now at 866.55.FASTER for a free GREEN consultation!

Paper-less offices are the way forward to coat your business in green! Look at how many messages are stored in your e-mail’s in-basket. Now imagine how much paper would have been generated if they hadn’t come to you from cyberspace. Here are some tips for going paperless:

  • Use scanners instead of copying machines
  • Send electronic faxes instead of paper faxes
  • Store information electronically instead of in filing cabinets
  • Give friends, clients or vendors information on CDs or through Internet attachments instead of in bound folders.
  • If you do need to print, use recycled paper or print on the back of a piece of paper that is no longer needed.

For more information and tips, contact us and we will take a look at your businesses current environment, and advise you how to make it more resourceful. Call us now at 866.55.FASTER for a free GREEN consultation!