10 Ways To Cut Technology Costs!

Optimize Your Business With Our Top 10 Cost-Cutting Strategies!

  1. Use Outsourcing To Your Advantage
    Utilize existing staff to their fullest potential. Consider out-sourcing your IT needs to a company that helps you centralize your costs, so you can use your staff’s manpower to perform their proper job duties. You’ve invested a lot of money on your employees – you’ll never get your full return on your investment if they are dealing with never-ending IT requests and never-fixed problems. FasterPlanet IT Consultants can save you money – and allow your employees to focus on the job they were hired for! Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  2. Discretionary Spending
    Consolidate your IT requests to gain better control over your internal need for support. Quite often, most IT repairs are spread out over time, and are not funneled through one or two people, which in result, make it impossible to plan for proper amount of time used. Faster Planet can help you get the most out of the money you spend on technical support. Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  3. Renegotiate Existing Contracts
    Contract costs for copiers, services performed by outside vendors, telephony, Internet access, Email hosting, and Web/DNS hosting can add up quickly. Renegotiating or moving those services to new vendors could help you save hundreds or thousands of dollars a year. Faster Planet can help guide you through that migration by ensuring you are using the best services your money can buy. Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  4. Get Rid Of Spam
    Industry analysts have recently reported that the number of spam messages are doubling year-over-year from 60 billion messages in 2006, to nearly 120 billion messages in November 2007, with increases projected for 2008 and beyond.Not only does spam waste valuable employee time that could be spent on critical business initiatives, the influx of messages can also take up valuable server space or carry viruses or Trojans that can cause server damage to company systems. But spam, and the potential threats it may carry, doesn’t have to drain time or money. Faster Planet has time-tested spam solutions that can help stop it now. Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  5. Change Your Purchasing Habits
    Reconsider your current methods of purchasing hardware or software. Buying an in-store box of software isn’t the most efficient way to obtain the software your business needs to operate. Spending large amounts of valuable capital to purchase software that has no extended technical support and no upgrade abilities will inflate your maintenance costs. Leasing software can sometimes offer great upgrade abilities and free upgrade benefits. Faster Planet has exclusive purchasing abilities through Dell Computers and Microsoft license leasing. Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  6. Stop Using Old or Unnecessary Hardware
    Consolidate unused and unnecessary software. Using old software makes it hard for employees to perform their job duties due to lack of manufacture support, outdated techniques, inability to open new file formats, or unstable workstations. Also, consider a strong company IT policy that doesn’t allow staff to use excess hours on personal email or using software (e.g.; Instant Messaging or File Sharing clients) that doesn’t pertain to their job duties. Faster Planet IT Consultants can provide you with these IT solutions today! Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  7. Reuse Existing Hardware
    Consider reusing existing hardware for another year. It’s okay to say no to that Windows Vista upgrade, and wait until Windows 7 reaches it’s fullest potential. When properly patched, Windows XP Professional SP3, has proven itself to be just as secure and efficient. Faster Planet can help you plan your yearly IT budget so that you are ready to smoothly make that new operating system transition. Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  8. Consider Telecommuting
    Consider allowing proven employees to telecommute via Remote Desktop or VPN (Virtual Private Network.) A happy well-rested employee is likely to be more productive, when they don’t have to waste time and money, on commuting to the office. In addition, they are more willing to work on backlogged projects during off-hours or weekends. FasterPlanet IT Consultants can set up remote offices for your employees that will ensure telecommuting success! Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  9. Rethink Telephony
    Move your legacy phone system to a much more cost-effective VoIP system. Or, to re-use existing hardware; renegotiate existing billing plans or migrate to other carriers. Industry analysts estimate you can save 10-35% on your existing telephony costs by switching to a hosted service. Faster Planet has the project management skills and vendor relationships to ensure you make the telephony decisions. Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.
  10. Save Energy
    Power Management features are standard in Windows and Macintosh operating systems — place monitors and computers (CPU, hard drive, etc.) into a low-power “sleep mode” after a period of inactivity. Simply touching the mouse or keyboard “wakes” the computer and monitor in seconds. Activating sleep features saves energy, money, and helps protect the environment. The EPA estimates you can be savings as much as $75 per computer annually. Faster Planet can help you determine the best way to activate power management features in your IT environment. Call 1-866-55-FASTER or email us today for more information.

Want more ways to reduce your IT Costs? Call us today at 866-55-FASTER to learn more.